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Programme 17th September

Here you will find more information about today's sessions.

The doors open - Coffee

Time: 9.00-10.00, in the Exhibition

Opening session

Time: 10.00-10.20, Concert Hall

  • Annika Wäppling Korzinek and Kristina Eneroth


Heidi Avellan, editor in chief, Sydsvenskan

Keynote speaker

Time: 10.20-11.00, Concert Hall

  • Jessika Roswall, Minister for EU Affairs. (tbc.)


Heidi Avellan, editor in chief, Sydsvenskan.


Time: 11.00-11.30, in the Exhibition.

Post-election analysis: How European were the European Parliament elections?

Time: 11.30-12.15, Concert Hall

The European Parliament elections are the world’s only direct elections to a supranational parliament and the world’s second largest democratic elections. It is however often claimed that, in effect, the elections are made up of 27 national elections with different issues, debates, and logics at play. During this session, panel participants who have followed and compared the 2024 elections in several EU member states will reflect on the differences and similarities, and also discuss whether this entails particular democratic challenges for the European Union.


Centre for European Studies, Lund University.

Lund University logo färg engelska

The Dual Faces of Digitalization: Opportunities and Security Challenges

Time: 11.30-12.15, Amfin

Digitalization has transformed our world, offering unprecedented opportunities while also introducing significant security challenges. This theme will be explored in-depth by a panel of experts, each providing unique perspectives on the dual nature of digitalization.


Mobile Heights

Mobile Heights logo.


Time: 12.15-13.15, in the Exhibition

Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference: Implications and Ways Forward for Democracies?

Time: 13.15-14.00, Concert Hall

In light of the current security situation in Europe and the continuous challenge of foreign information manipulation and interference, the panel will reflect upon the implications and ways forward from the perspectives of the public and private sector as well as academia.


  • Björn Palmertz, Senior Advisor at the Psychological Defence Research Institute, Lund University
  • Martina Smedberg, Programme Manager at the Psychological Defence Research Institute, Lund University
  • Magnus Christiansson, Senior Lecturer at the Swedish Defence University and Member of the University Board at Lund University


Jacob Tamm, Deputy Head of Division, Strategic Communications, European External Action Service

Lund University logo färg engelska

Biological diversity and the 2040 climate targets – the road ahead with a new Parliament, a new Commission and Tidö

Time: 13.15-14.00, Amfin


European Parliament

Logotyp för European Parliament


Time: 14.00-14.30, in the Exhibition

The Battle for Truth: Addressing Disinformation in EU Election Coverage

Time: 14.30-15.15, Concert Hall

Disinformation poses one of the greatest threats to the formation of public opinion, in particular in the context of elections when complex political ideas and concepts are discussed and at stake. Ahead of the EUP-elections in June 2024, a number of initiatives were launched across Europe to monitor and counter false narratives and challenge wrong claims in public space. What are the lessons learned from these initiatives and did they show any effects? Can these methods be applied to secure other crucial elections in Europe such as in Moldova or Georgia later this autumn and perhaps the most contested of them all, the US presidential elections? This panel addresses these questions with a focus on countermeasures and interventions, also in the light of EU-legislation such as the Digital Services Act (2023), the Digital Markets Act and the Artificial Intelligence Act (both 2024).


Dr. Andreas Önnerfors


Fojo Media Institute and Europe Direct Lund


Time: 14.30-15.15, Amfi


Katarina Areskoug Mascarenhas


Panel discussion: Security and Cyber Security

Time: 15.20-15.45, Concert Hall


Panel discussion

Time: 15.45-16.15, Concert Hall

Advisory board:

  • Magnus Schöldtz, Director and Senior Advisor at the Wallenberg Office, and a former Ambassador at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
  • Lena Ek, former Member of the European Parliament and Member of the Swedish Government.
  • Lars Danielsson, Former Permanent Representative of Sweden to the EU and former State Secretary
  • Katarina Areskoug Mascarenhas
Logotypes from City of Lund, Lunds University, European Commission and Europe Direcrt Lund.


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