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More about the programme 16th September

Here you will find more information about today's sessions.

The doors open - Coffee

Time: 9.00-10.00, in the Exhibition

Opening session

Time: 10.00-10.20, Concert Hall

  • Anders Almgren, Mayor, City of Lund
  • Erik Renström, Vice- Chancellor, Lund University
  • Annika Wäppling Korzinek, Head of European Commission Representation in Sweden


Heidi Avellan, editor in chief, Sydsvenskan

Keynote speaker

Time: 10.20–11.00, Concert Hall

  • Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner for Home Affairs. (tbc.)

Coffee break

Time: 11.00-11.30, in the Exhibition

New European Parliament and Commission – Political Priorities and the Way Forward: Security, Defense, and Foreign Policy

Time: 11.30-12.15, Concert Hall.

With Europe experiencing its worst security situation since the end of the Cold War how can the EU address this situation using its security, defense and foreign policy tools? The EU, in collaboration with NATO, have to act in this complex and dangerous world with its mechanisms for multilateral cooperation that offers unique capabilities in addressing these interlinked issues, both in Europe and beyond.


European Commission Representation in Sweden

European Commissions logo.

Sweden, the Euro and the Future for the Economic and Monetary Union

Time: 11.30-12.15, Amfin

The economic and monetary union (EMU) has undergone several reforms since its inception in the 1990’s. Notwithstanding three revisions to the common fiscal rules, the so-called Stability and Growth Pact, the Euro crisis in 2010–2015 gave rise to a common rescue mechanism as well as a banking union. Moreover, the pandemic in 2020 spawned a Facility for recovery and resilience, worth up to 750 billion euro. To what extent have these changes made the monetary union more robust to future crises? In view of this – and given its historic relationship to the common currency – how should Sweden approach the Euro in the future?


  • Fredrik NG Andersson, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, Lund university:
    Are the Eurozone’s problems solved – and is it time for Sweden to join?
  • Jonas Eriksson, researcher, SIEPS:
    Sweden and the Euro: legal, political and economic perspectives


Heidi Avellan, editor in chief, Sydsvenskan




Time: 12.15-13.15, in the Exhibition

Building a strong and competitive EU Single Market together with Ukraine

Time: 13.15-14.00, Concert Hall

As our domestic market the Single Market is a part of our everyday life. For 30 years the Single Market with its free movement of people, goods, services, and capital and has been the engine of EU`s growth and employment. Today, the Single Market is the world's largest integrated market with a share of 18 percent of the world's GDP, 440 million citizens and consumers, and 23 million companies employing almost 128 million people.

Ukraine’s integration into the EU was born out of a geopolitical imperative but will build on a revived and innovative accession methodology that focuses on a gradual integration into the Single Market.

While this process is likely to take time and brings some challenges, it also holds vast potential for mutual economic benefits. On the way to full membership and in line with the conditionality principle, the objective will be to facilitate progressive sectoral integration and bring tangible benefits to operators in Ukraine, while maintaining the integrity and coherence of the Single Market. At the same time, being a key global player in strategic economic sectors such as agriculture, energy, critical raw materials or Information and communications technology, Ukraine has the capacity to strengthen the EU’s position and competitiveness on the global stage.

After a short introduction on the topic from the National Board of Trade Sweden there will be a discussion from panelist from government and academia.


Heidi Avellan, editor in chief, Sydsvenskan.


National Board of Trade

Logotyp Kommerskollegium

EU Careers

Time: 13.15-14.00, Amfin

Do you want to contribute to and shape the future of Europe? If so, a career in the EU institutions might be something for you! This panel discussion will give you concrete examples of what an EU career could look like and an insight into what it's like to live in Brussels and Luxembourg. Global Policy Research Group will also talk about its EU Academy, which will be launch this autumn, and is aimed at students who want a deeper insight into career opportunities within in the EU.

  • Global Policy Research Group (tbc.)
  • European Court of Justice (tbc.)
  • Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU (tbc.)

Speakers (tbc.)

  • Valeri Lindholm, Lawyer Linguist at the Swedish Translation Unit, Court of Justice of the European Union


Asia Riazantceva, Coordinator for EU-recruitment at the Swedish Council for Higher Education


Europe Direct Lund, Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) and Global Policy Research Group.

ED Lund engelska
Logotyp för GPRG
Logotyp för Swedish Council For Higher Education

Coffee break

Time: 14.00–14.30, in the Exhibition

New European Parliament and Commission – Political Priorities and the Way Forward: Trade, Industrial Policy & Competitiveness

Time: 14.30-15.15, Concert Hall

As the global economy is facing increased deglobalization and regionalization of trade and commerce how can the EU safeguard its competitiveness in the face of increased competition from the US and China? Free trade agreements and norms around trade such as reciprocal access to markets, lower tariffs and avoidance of subsidies is increasingly breaking down. Such trends are resulting in re-evaluations of trade patterns, industrial policy and competitiveness for EU member states compared to the US, China and other major global economies. The EU with its mechanisms for multilateral cooperation offers unique capabilities in addressing these interlinked issues, both within and beyond Europe.


European Commission Representation in Sweden

European Commissions logo.

Ready for Expansion – Preparing the EU for New Members

Time: 14.30-15.15, Amfin

The European Union is at a pivotal crossroad, facing the challenge of expanding its membership amidst escalating geopolitical tensions. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has driven Eastern Europe closer to the EU, with countries like Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine feeling the heavy weight of Russian influence. Democratic forces in these nations see EU membership as a beacon for protecting democratic values, upholding the rule of law, and fostering economic growth.
With nine countries as official candidates for membership, the EU must evolve to accommodate this potential expansion. Past enlargements have presented significant hurdles, and today’s EU is no stranger to complex decision-making challenges. Debates rage on about the balance between qualified majority voting and national sovereignty.

Key Questions we will explore

  • What groundbreaking reforms are essential for the EU to seamlessly integrate candidate countries?
  • How can the EU leverage lessons from past enlargements to ensure smooth transitions?
  • Is it time to revolutionize the EU's framework with a new treaty?


City of Lund


Time: 15.20–16.00, Concert Hall

  • Jonas Bering Liisberg, State Secretary for European Affairs and the Arctic, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

Jonas Bering Liisberg is State Secretary at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (European policy and Arctic) and has a long experience of international relations and politics. He has served in Beijing, China, and has been both Deputy and Permanent Representative at the Danish Representation to the European Union in Brussels. Jonas Bering Liisberg has extensive experience from the Danish civil service also outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Heidi Avellan, editor in chief, Sydsvenskan.

Panel discussion

Time: 16.00–16.30, Concert Hall


Heidi Avellan, editor in chief, Sydsvenskan.

Evening Reception

Time: 16.30–17.30, In the Exhibition

Networking and wrap up.

Music entertainment

Logotypes from City of Lund, Lunds University, European Commission and Europe Direcrt Lund.


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