International school of Lund - ISLK

Practical information

Practical information

When do morning classes begin? What kind of snacks can my child bring to school? Where can we park the car when we pick up the kids?

Morning Arrivals at ISLK

PYP students

PYP students line up outside at 8.25 and are let into school by their teachers. Any PYP student who needs to be at school before 8.25 needs to be registered with the After School Programme (ASP). Any child who is a part of the morning activities should stay there until the staff takes them outside to line up.

Students who are late for school should register with the school reception and the staff will take them to their classes.

MYP students

MYP students are allowed into the buildings from 8.00 in the morning. They are then unattended until their first class starts.

Physical Education - Illness

The school policy is that students should be well enough to attend all subjects during the school day, P.E. included. If not, they need to stay at home. Of course, there are exceptions to this policy, a broken leg or other medical condition that has been confirmed by a doctor. In most such cases, students should attend the P.E. lesson even if they are unable to participate physically in order to obtain the theory of the unit.

Lost and Found

Remind your child to check the lost and found chest situated in the MYP-building by the elevator. This chest is emptied every vacation time (autumn break, winter break, Easter break, summer break) and donated to Erikshjälpen.


Because of allergies, we are not allowed to bring nuts to school. For the same reason products that are heavily perfumed should be avoided. Dogs need to stay outside the school and schoolyard at all times.


In case of a serious accident at school, please report the accident to Protector insurance, where Lunds municipality has signed an insurance policy for all school children. Go to Anmäl skada, Person and Kommunolycksfall.

Protector insurance website


As you come into the school from Östervångsvägen there is a drop-off and pick-up zone which is not intended for parking. There is a parking area for visitors by the PE hall on Linnégatan. Workmen doing repairs in school and visitors may park there. A dropping off period of 10 minutes is allowed between 7.00- 9.00 and 14.00-18.00.

We would like to suggest the following:

  1. If you feel you need to walk into school with your child, please park in the small car park adjacent to the PE Hall or on Linnégatan.
  2. If you feel your child can walk into school by themselves then please use the drop-off zone and watch them walk into school before driving off.

School Meal and mid morning snacks

The policy in Lund for schools is that only healthy foods are to be eaten in school. Therefore we need to remind that only snacks of fruit, vegetables e.g. carrot sticks can be brought to school. Chocolate spread and energy bars do not come into this category. Drinks should be water. We ask for everyone's cooperation in this matter. Healthy food is the policy of the whole school community in Lund.

All our students are served one warm meal a day in the canteen.

See the the lunch menu (in Swedish)

Bus card

Students are not eligible for a free bus card for travel to and from school as ISLK is a school of choice. Students who wish to travel by public transport will need to purchase a student monthly ticket directly from Skånetrafiken's offices or website.


More questions?

Contact us at ISLK


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ISLK offers a continuum of high-quality international education. Our vision is a community of lifelong learners reaching their full potential.


Be part of our community and apply to ISLK! We are an authorised IB World School offering the Primary Years Programme and the Middle Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate.


International Citizen Hub Lund provides helpful information to international employees and their families, arrange relevant activities, and offer a warm environment in which to meet.