Teacher (EYP, PYP, MYP and subject specialist):
- Has the main responsibility for the teaching and learning of all students in their class(es).
- Provides pastoral care for the students and is accessible and open for individual needs and concerns. They take care of and integrate new students.
- Differentiates the curriculum to meet individual learning needs. These are planned strategies to access and understand the curriculum instruction as well as adapted activities to enable all students to participate in the learning opportunities. Reasonable adjustments can be made for individual tasks and assignments but the overall learning outcome must remain the same. Students that need extension, including gifted learners, are challenged at their level of understanding. Evidence of differentiation is recorded within the unit planners on Managebac.
- Values prior knowledge as the foundation on which to develop new learning. It is not assumed that students share the same previous knowledge and it is recognised that there may be gaps or overlaps in learning. Assessment for learning is practised in all planning and teaching.
- Implements extra adaptations within the classroom setting for students when the support needed is greater than can be achieved through general differentiation. Extra adaptations are documented by the teachers for the purpose of communication and accountability (e.g. in Extra Adaptation ticklists and PYP Action Plans).
- Is responsible for monitoring all students’ progress through continuous assessment (both formative and summative) and to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional strategies, methods and extra adaptations. Changes are made accordingly to enhance learning opportunities.
- Plans for assessment procedures to provide all learners with opportunities to demonstrate their learning. It is not assumed that students will be able to demonstrate learning in the same way. Students with learning support needs may require reasonable inclusive adjustments to access assessment (MYP From Principles into Practice, p. 85) as outlined in the ISLK Assessment Policy.
- Guides Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) and provide student work with instructions for the LSAs.
- Works in collaboration with other relevant staff members to provide inclusive practices and implement strategies in the classroom.
- Informs parents promptly when there are concerns for their child’s progress and/or wellbeing.
Learning Support Assistants (LSA) and After School Programme (ASP) staff:
- Work in collaboration with and under the guidance of the teachers during lessons in order to provide support mainly for students with learning support needs but also being available for all students in the class. They assist in the process of differentiation and inclusion, give input and support the implementation of extra adaptations.
- Participate in the provision of pastoral care by being accessible and open for individual issues and concerns, including integrating new students. ASP staff inform parents promptly of any concerns regarding their child’s behaviour or wellbeing during the ASP time.
- Are scheduled to follow the same students that they are with during the school day into the ASP in the afternoons. This is to provide continuity for the students throughout the day with the same staff, routines, and support strategies.
- Are encouraged to play an active role in their learning through Agency (voice, choice and ownership)
- Are supported proactively by teachers and ASP/LSA staff to develop an understanding of themselves as individuals and as learners, including strengths and areas of development.
- Play an active part in goal setting and are given regular feedback.
- Are involved (when appropriate) in the decision-making process with regards to learning support in collaboration with staff and parents.
At ISLK we strive to work in close partnership with the parents and value their involvement in their child’s academic and non-academic development in school.
- Are expected to inform the school (through the teachers or other relevant staff) of any relevant information which could have an impact on their child’s education and/or wellbeing at school.
- Are informed of interventions or plans that are made to support their child with their learning and/or behaviour at school.
- Support their children through home learning and/or other activities as advised by the teachers or other staff.
Parents are required to inform the school through the admission process if their child has any identified special educational needs and other health issues/diagnoses in order for the school to prepare for the student’s arrival. This is also for the school to determine whether it can provide an educational setting that caters to the child’s needs. According to the Swedish Education Act 2010:800 Ch 24 §3 and SFS nr: 2015:801 §11, students with significant needs affecting their ability to access an ordinary school curriculum and learning environment are not entitled to international schooling; this applies to ISLK. The school does not have the funding, set up, or resources available to provide these students with the educational opportunities they have the right to receive.
Learning Support Teacher:
- Works with students who need extra support, or require an advanced programme of learning, in order to reach their full academic potential in the mainstream classroom (from PYP3 and up).
- Complements the homeroom/subject teachers through working with individual students/small groups focusing on developing knowledge and skills for identified gaps, such as literacy and maths skills.
- Participates in identifying students who may benefit from extra intervention in collaboration with teachers and LS coordinator.
- Works both with pull out sessions and within the normal classroom as needed.
- Assesses, sets individual student goals, develops and carries out a plan for intervention and communicates regularly with parents.
- Collaborates with and advises teachers and ASP/LSA staff regarding the students receiving intervention, including documentation and mapping of student needs.
- Meets regularly and collaborates closely with LS coordinator and/or LST.
English Language Support Teacher:
- Works with students who are new to the English language and in need of specific input in addition to the immersion process within the mainstream classroom.
- Complements the homeroom/subject teachers with specific basic language skill input targeted to individual needs and level of English.
- Works both with pull out sessions and within the normal classroom as needed.
- Assesses, sets individual student goals, develops and carries out a plan for intervention and communicates regularly with parents.
- Collaborates with and advises teachers and ASP/LSA staff regarding the students receiving language support.
- Meets regularly and collaborates closely with LS coordinator and/or LST.
- Participates in the induction process to ensure students arriving in school with limited English language skills settle smoothly into our school and adjust to their new environment.
- Promotes and supports the school community with regards to multilingualism as an essential part of international mindedness, contributing with ideas for routines and events.
Learning Support Coordinator:
- Coordinates the inclusive education provision for their respective programmes according to the ISLK Inclusive Education Policy and agreed practices and procedures.
- Monitors documentation (e.g. PYP Action Plans, MYP IEP’s, Extra Adaptation ticklists) of the inclusive provision and facilitates communication and collaboration between the different members of the respective programmes.
- Carries out observations and provides feedback regarding students of concern and their learning environment. Suggests possible adaptations and strategies to teachers and ASP/LSA staff.
- Leads the process of individual student mapping and pedagogical evaluation for referrals to the consultant psychologist or other specialists.
- Participates in regular LST collaboration and update meetings with principals, school nurse and school counsellor.
School Nurse:
- Keeps records of student health profiles and has regular health talks with individual students.
- Guides staff and parents with matters related to health and physical conditions. Assists with relevant referrals or recommendations as needed, such as speech therapist (logoped) and eye clinic.
- Follows the Swedish national health programme for students and is bound by a confidentiality clause concerning all sensitive student health issues.
- Works in collaboration with the school doctor for consultation and health checks.
- Participates in regular LST collaboration and update meetings with principals, LS coordinator and school counsellor.
- Takes over the health care from the BVC (Child Health Care Centres) when students start in P2. Parents are encouraged to contact the BVC in the first instance for EYP-P1 students. An information sheet regarding BVC is given to parents in EYP and P1 at the beginning of the academic year.
Social Counsellor (social worker):
- Offers initial guidance to students regarding psychosocial problems inside and outside of school that are affecting their wellbeing and/or academic progress, such as feeling unhappy in school, problems with friends, settling into ISLK after moving from another country/school, parent divorse. Parent approval is needed for regular contact with students under the age of 12.
- Guides staff and parents with psychosocial matters and assists with referrals or recommendations as needed, such as parenting courses, social services and wellbeing referrals to Child & Youth Psychiatric department (“BUP”) at the hospital in Lund.
- Works according to the Equal Treatment Plan and supports investigations for degrading treatment and harassment if needed.
- Supports staff in writing reports for notification of concern to social services (orosanmälan).*
- Is bound by a confidentiality clause concerning all sensitive student issues.
- Participates in regular LST collaboration and update meetings with principals, school nurse and LS coordinator.
*All staff working in the school are required by law to file a report to the social services (“Orosanmälan” in Swedish) if a child is at risk or in danger.
Principal, Vice Principal:
- Overall responsibility for the provision of inclusive education within the school.
- Oversee practices and involved in significant decision making regarding student care and educational provision (Swedish Education Act 2010:800 Ch 3 §5).
- Oversee the process of Individual Education plans (IEP). The LS-coordinators are leading the process.
MYP Career Counsellor:
- Advises students and parents with regards to further education and career choices.
Consultant Psychologist - external service:
- Carries out psychological evaluations on a consultant basis for the school.
- Can assist the parents with referrals for further diagnostic evaluation by the Child & Youth Psychiatric department (“BUP”) at the hospital in Lund.
The Educational Leadership Team (ELT) with the input from the Learning Support Team (LST), strives to provide regular professional development with regards to inclusive practices and student wellbeing for pedagogical staff. These opportunities develop the confidence, awareness, skills, and knowledge to teach all students.